Monday, September 21, 2015

Best days of our lives, dentists and kefir :)

Counting my blessings...

Michael has had his dental appointment today - it was a pretty big job - lots of drilling and partial root canal... I was already preparing myself (and Mom, who went with me) to hold Michael down during procedure and expect the worst: screaming, moving, kicking, avoiding the drill etc... To our surprise Booboo was as good as gold, didn't move one bit. Even the dentist was shocked, as she has never had a patient that calm... I must say, I was quite emotional looking at my boy so mature and peaceful.

I wanted to share results of our little experiment that we've started not even a week ago. Knowing Michael has very sensitive GI system, we decided to give it a go to natural organic KEFIR (<-- click on this link to read more about kefir). We all know how beneficial fermented foods are to our guts. Well, we tried sauerkraut last year (and Michael was eating it everyday till my surgery, which broke the routine and we never fully got back to it!). We had ups and downs, feeling like there have been way more downs than ups recently, but then we were reminded - IT'S ALL IN THE GUT! Our immune system starts in our gut! The better GI functions, the healthier we get. So we tried kefir :) I am giving it to Booboo with a syringe (like a medicine) as he will accept anything that's "odd" as long as I label it "MEDICINE". So there you go! I'm sure you can find your own way to give this stuff to your picky eaters. Start with small doses - adding kefir to mashed potatoes or soups, sauces etc... or if they like yogurts, add to their yogurt. As long as you don't cook it, because then all trillions of good bacteria will be killed :(

I'm drinking it too and I must say, I'm feeling wonderful - pain I used to suffer from (caused by endometriosis) is almost completely gone now! No medication or hormonal treatments! A glass of kefir every single day!

We have started our school year and kids are doing fine, despite dust storms and unbelievable humidity and heat! Michael had a few "worse" days but in general I believe he's improved drastically. The other day, he grabbed his homework notepad and brought it to me, asking to do his homework with my supervision - it's amazing! And he seems to be more interested in drawing again (which used to be his favorite thing in the whole world!).  He's keeping eye contact for longer and tries to verbalize his desires more, as well as using PECS and sentence strips correctly! I'm truly amazed!
And we DANCED for the longest time, just me and my boy - laughing, hugging and crying (OK, just me crying part, cause I am a softy, shhh)

Our church family prayed for us and especially our handsome dude - crying, fasting, pleading with God to help him. I tell you what! It works! Us, as parents can get really down sometimes and feel like our prayers don't go anywhere. It's good to ask other believers to pray! I heard someone saying one day: "Even if you don't believe in God or power of prayer, go to some Bible believing church and ask people there to put your autistic child on their prayer list, and pray for him/ her until you get your prayers answered. Cause prayer of the faithful avails a lot!"

I am going a bit crazy with making photo albums these days - melancholic and getting soooo ready for Christmas :) yes, yes, in September!

So here's a song I love "Best day of my life" by American Authors, accompanied by the photographs of THE BEST DAYS OF OUR LIVES :) Enjoy!

Love you all dearly and pray God will grant the desires of your hearts.

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